The Ambulance Chaser

Ambulance Chaser

One day, a group of lawyers went out for lunch together. The group consisted of a a solicitor who mainluy worked on real estate deals, a tax attorney, and a personal injury lawyer. As they were walking down the street, they saw a man lying on the ground, groaning in pain. They rushed over to help him and found that he had been hit by a car.

There was blood everywhere. The solicitor and the tax attorney were freaking out from seeing so much blood and they froze, not knowing what to do.

Fortunately the personal injury lawyer was unfazed. He pulled out his phone and dialed 911. The ambulance arrived in minutes.

The other lawyers were impressed by how cool and collected he had been and asked him how he managed to keep his head. "Simple." he said, "I would much rather have the ambulance come to me than have to chase it."

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