How Many Lawyers to Change a Lightbulb

How Many Lawyers to Change a Lightbulb

One day, a lawyer was on his way to court to represent his client. As he was walking, he noticed a sign outside a store that read: "We have the best lawyer jokes in town!"

Being a good sport, the lawyer decided to go in and check it out. He asked the shopkeeper if he had any good lawyer jokes.

The shopkeeper replied, "Well, I do have one, but it's not very funny."

The lawyer was intrigued and asked to hear it anyway.

The shopkeeper said, "Okay, here it is: How many lawyers does it take to change a light bulb?"


The lawyer thought for a moment and then replied, "I don't know, how many?"

The shopkeeper replied, "Three. One to climb the ladder, one to shake it, and one to sue the ladder company."

The lawyer laughed and said, "Okay, that's actually pretty good."

Feeling good-natured, the lawyer even bought a few joke books from the store to share with his colleagues at the courthouse. They all got a good chuckle out of the jokes and it lightened the mood for the rest of the day.

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